death can be a little hard to pin down. while ominous, it's a favorable card to pull. in the tarot, it represents favorably adjusting to change.

in a lot of the games, the strongest persona in this arcana is a cute girl in lolita fashion... so naturally we give this to reimu

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Espero que halláis tenido un lunes favorable dentro de la mie*da que son los lunes, yo el poco tiempo libre lo he dedicado a dibujar encargos que tengo un montón pero os dejo por aquí un dibujo que tenia guardado desde hace meses.

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Hex brand plushies are unique, as they are possessed toys specially made to bring your loved one back! It might not always be favorable but those are minute details~

Introducing Castor, He does not like being hugged without being asked first, so be kind!
Character belongs to me!

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Coucou tout le monde..😊Opération qui s’est très bien passée, je suis en maison de rééducation. Étant déjà venue ça facilite grandement l’intégration. J’ai pu déjà bénéficier de Sa Grâce entre hier et la nuit pour me retrouver ce matin, un kiné qui m’est + favorable que la veille

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Mucho gusto, soy Anthony Zero, dibujante. Adjunto parte de mis trabajos que pueden ser de variados estilos. Te mande correo y estoy ansioso por recibir una respuesta favorable si mi trabajo te es de tu agrado. De antemano muchas gracias por la oportunidad.

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Lazy days are there everyday, not everything has to be done outside, even with the most favorable weather....

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I have a favorable view of taking part in a lack of thought!

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¡Feliz año 2023! El nuevo año nos deparará, mínimo, novedades de Granblue Fantasy Versus, Melty Blood Type Lumina, Guilty Gear Strive y DNF Duel, por lo que es un año al que mirar con optimismo.

😊¡Espero que empecéis el año 2023 en positivo y os depare match ups favorables! 😊

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Galactic Godzilla redesign! Instead of going way out in design like the previous version, I wanted to go with something more favorable to my normal Godzilla sketches

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perhaps our path will not be so unfavorable together.

Let's get closer to the shore, by the incomparable raw power of the machines.

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...and which will form when very large, in certain particular and often favorable places mingled with mountains, the thermal mangroves with pale bark and pink adornments of the Ajolum Mountains, made up of scarlet trees, plants, mosses and lichens...

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Good morning fam❤️
Have a nice day everyone!✨
While I'm sitting in class👩‍🎓, I want to remind you that my wonderful works are available at a very favorable price!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


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obviously, the current situation is not favorable, so here are some alternative platforms i'll be on if the worst comes to pass:
Pixiv -
Tumblr -

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I think this is one of my more favorable drawings by far :-)

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The only people who achieve much are those who want knowledge so badly that they seek it while the conditions are still unfavorable. Favorable conditions never come.

C.S. Lewis

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Shameesha has received some not favorable news.F3

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My new favorite Disco Solaris NFT

Note: Not mine.. and I do not know the owner.. just suddenly became my most favorable out of the blue...

Or maybe the action his getting recently


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The new drop is already on OpenSea in the "Adi_Gradi collection" collection,

there are favorable prices there 🤫💕

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Fuyu no Semi (La cigale de l'hiver), le titre japonais, semble répondre à celui du manga "Le printemps que j'enlaçais" comme s'il soulignait un lien entre la romance de l'anime, née à une mauvaise époque, et celle du manga qui ne demande qu'à s'épanouir sous 1 ciel + favorable.

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