Here’s my piece for the organized by 💕😭💕 thank you for your patience and your hard work!

56 177

Ive been so excited to post my pieces for the !!!!!!!
Thank you for organizing all of this it was so much fun to work on!!!!!

47 199

(and thank you again arwen for organizing this you absolute angel!!)

126 543

**you're welcome to use these as icons if you credit in your bio :^)!

132 564

check out all my latest RTs, there's so much good art from so many good artists!! really happy to be a part of it and show some love to our boys :) Here's my small piece for it. Thank you for organizing it!

29 93

I drew my beloved 94z for 💜
mod by: ⭐️please enjoy everyone's pieces and hard work. i had a great time! BIG THANK YOU to arwen for everything ily!

272 946

So here are my pieces for the organized by 💞
I choose to draw Jungkook and Yoongi from the War of Hormone era because I became an Army when the MV was out 👼
It was really fun to draw the heavy eyeliner they had back then

423 1518

My pieces for organized by the lovely and amazing 💛💛💛 This was such a fun project and with so many amazing other artists!! I hope everyone enjoys the final pieces 💛

681 2001

my joon piece for arwen's super cool project which is!!! such a neat idea and came out so well ahh so honoured to be beside so many incredible artists ;u; surrounded by joons...

70 230