Meet my four husbands; fictosexual appreciation post lmao.

I don't talk about it much but these four are representatives of my self love and care and I see myself as being in a relationship with them.

It sounds weird but they've gotten me through a lot!

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in order to be a zoophile, you need to have the paraphilia of being attracted to real life animals.

furry is fictophilia. It's nowhere comparable. stop comparing them.

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hello! im kaitlyn im a white cisfemale im demificto (demisexual/demiromantic and fictosexual/fictoromantic) im a
autistic type 1 diabetic and my favorite things to draw are crash bandicoot warrior cats animals dragons cats furrys five nights at freddys and ocs!

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well guys today I wanna show my two "What If", Duo Soul/Cross and Zero Cross. Both are fictonal cross/soul inspired by Battle Network 4/5.(1/2)

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Hoy cumplimos 1 año de amistad con 2 personitas muy especiales que me aguantan mis sonseras 💗💗💞 Las quiero mucho su amistad es de las cosas mas lindas que me paso aqui
Las adoro mis ficto 🥰🥰🥰

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More coming out art?? Technically, yes

Fake men do be really cute, what can I say... This is generally how I react with them, I know a few of you know who's taken the spotlight lately...

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Chwilio am rhywbeth i wneud gyda'r Dewch draw i Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau ar y 20-23 Ebrill am weithgaredd AM DDIM llawn hwyl i ddefnyddio gludwaith a gwasg llythrennau Fictoraidd, i greu eich coeden deulu eich hun. Rhwng 12:30yp-3:30yp

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Heyo! I’m Ficto-AroAce and a Selfshipper!
Here’s some of my scribbles 😋

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Omg where my fellow aspecs at 😳

Im a gray-ace gray-aro (Ficto, only into cartoons not ang real people) gay guy who does art 😳

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Chwilio am rhywbeth i wneud gyda'r dros y penwythnos? Dewch draw i Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau am weithgaredd AM DDIM llawn hwyl i ddefnyddio gludwaith a gwasg llythrennau Fictoraidd, i greu eich coeden deulu eich hun. Rhwng 12:30yp-3:30yp

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FicTours sobre Escarlate & Violeta para acompanhar:

- Alguns pokés trocarão de tipo em locais específicos e em arenas de batalha (o que fará alguns mudarem de forma);
- Alguns pokés terão 3 tipos;
- Fuecoco evolui pra uma kkkobra;
- Protagonistas são estudantes de escolas rivais

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選手がNEW RECORD を記録‼️


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: I’m going to write Tall Girl 2 fanficton
Me: don’t… why would u do that to urself…
me getting blasted afterwards by and :

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We almost have the same design and funnily enough, it used to be the Wraith before renaming it to Fictos.

The Ghost design is definitely better for Quark so the change won't be too far off from the original design.

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If I wasn't an aromantic and an asexual, my fictosexuality would go through the roof with this Cup. 😍🥰❤️☕️

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Wraith updated to Fictos!

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Meet the authors of IF I WAKE UP HERE AGAIN Anthology, also the finishers of the 2021 Bookbed Fictory!

Join us on February 13 at 2pm. Have a chill conversation with the authors.
We'd love to have you at the party!

Register here for FREE:

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