“My works investigate the multiple identities and struggles of women and explore how they negotiate the demands of public life” Argineh Zadoorian.
Read the full interview here→ https://t.co/ck7LCd4sKR

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“I have always been able to find the beauty of the human spirit and inject that into my artwork” Robert V. Reid→ https://t.co/pfneu8kPwr

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In this Q&A, artist Tim Hodge shares with PoseSpace details about his experience in feature films at the most prestigious Studios in the US, great advice for artists who have an interest in animation and cartoons, and more→ https://t.co/Txkp5lZL4m

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“My art has truly helped me through the toughest time of my life” Lynn Howart

Read the full interview here→ https://t.co/PSVZJ5Nl6r

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In this Q&A, artist David Marteney shares with PoseSpace how his depression had and impact on his work, what are his rituals, who is his favorite living artist and how he has used online platforms to improve his art→ https://t.co/1wTEeomg9Z

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‘Memories, Dreams, Reflections’ 2021, oil on canvas, 115 x 75 cm, available

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“It always starts with an idea, sometimes it’s a story I want to tell, other times it’s just a painting or a pure fantasy”
Nigel Follett.
Read the full interview here→

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Warm thoughts for a cool evening.

“Blanket” by KarenKlucowicz

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'The Promise II'
From my 'Desire' collection
Oil on canvas

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“I love studying the complexities of the human form, so expressive, and so beautiful. I look for aesthetic qualities depicting emotion through composition, perspective, lighting and color” .
Interview with Craig Werkheiser→

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A rare colour painting from my predominately sepia series 'True Romance'.
Oil on Canvas

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Focus on concept. artists karen klucowicz shares her creative and inspiration for this painting.

"As a sunset is reflected in layers on a lake it mimics the levels and areas of interaction and influence that communication gifts us."

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