in order from number 4 to number 1 favorite: LOTR Fellowship of the ring, Tin Tin, Pacific Rim 1, Spirited Away. My number one is most certainly Spirited Away because of all the memories I had as a kid watching it so many times on Toonami late at night.

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I ain't even gonna pretend there were other strong contenders...

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im gonna do that thing but separate for live action and animation here we go

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Man, is hard af. But, this is probably the most honest answer I could give. Camp queer goth with kinda bad taste, lol. Films: But I'm a Cheerleader, Queen of the Damned, Rocky Horror Picture Show & Guardians of the Galaxy.

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No one tagged me but I don’t care here are my aka my 4 films that define me and the things I create. I could have dominated with every Mamoru Hosoda film but diversity is key.

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Okay game on Cabaret, Rocky Horror, Howl’s Moving Castle and Pleasantville

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Ok this is just what came to me immediately but - eerie sci-fi / supernatural , atmospheric and ambiguous endings . And pacific Rim.

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