[HOT] Eternal flower Floette is a parodox form pokemon, change my mind [https://t.co/s5i2v1ZGM7]

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AZ's Floette is also a bit of an anomaly here. We haven't seen anything resembling it since Pokemon XY. Unless of course you consider what happens in the post-game of Scarlet/Violet.

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rys and their precious partner, floette, who adores them a bit too much. her name is leilani 🌸🌸

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I'm now on the hunt for a white petal Floette..

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What would be Dahlia, Huxley and Wisker's Pokemon teams ? — Dahlia's: Mawile, Gothorita, Chandelure, Floette, Froslass, Smoochum.
Girl Squad, and a very homey lil gang in her opinion.

Huxley's: Mime Jr., Mimikyu, Banette, Drifloo… https://t.co/3KkdgHXMuO

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"Farmer Couple Daisy and Alex wants to fight!" ..or something 🫠✨first time actually drawing them together aha

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while i was drawing my previous drawing i started thinking "what if my stardew farmer was a pokémon trainer?".. and this happened ☺️🌿✨

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uwu wuu e aquí otor aportó para el 6,v,6 Dios lo vi y tenia que hacer!! Una de flor de sempansuchil u,v,u es mi perdición 🏵️🏵️🏵️

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nahida with whimsicott or with floette??
((poll in thread))

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Inktober day 14 with "Costumes" from Spooky Pokemonth 💀🎃
Here we have grim reaper Floette, skeleton Pancham, pumpkin Phantump and sun Lunarone ✨
Also an extra pumpkin Phantump cause I love this lil guy

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Pero su Floette al enterarse que el revivió gracias al sacrificio de tantas vidas nunca podría perdonarlo por lo que había hecho y abandonaría a su amigo, ahora aquel hombre con vida eterna es condenado a vagar solo por toda la eternidad

AZ un personaje olvidado por el fandom

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Am I the only one who thinks Eternal flower Floette is actually the first-known paradox form Maybe that’s why they didn’t officially release it back in the day… What do you think? Its stats were also boosted, compared to normal Floette.

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I never posted this here, did I? A little painting of Eternal Floette!

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Ik this one is not so clear at first, but this is Tangela + all 5 Floette colours!

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Lots of set-up for Pokemon Z. The Couriway Town train, Eternal Flower Floette, the locked power plants, and Southern Kalos. Wonder where it will lead. https://t.co/ZC1FeoXRB2

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Last 2 Poké fusions: Rinran (Absol & Floette) and, my personal favourite of this batch of fusions: Chemical Romance (Alolan Muk and Mega Absol).

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