sale alert: just sold within minutes of listing for 0.25 ETH. This sale goes to show why it pays to keep an eye on flurks store page. This flurk has both the desirable amogus and confed shirt traits, and could have easily sold for 0.75-1 ETH

1 9

another masterful from by .
Snagged this on a auction below its floor because no one noticed it, kek.

0 6

First there was $BTC, then came $ETH now there 's

2 8

The only NFT worth getting- so rare you can’t buy on or :

2 8

Acquired this spicy little Flurkette today. Hands off gentlemen, she’s not legal.

1 7

Gotta love being a proud owner. If only I could have bought more!

Shout out to and for increasing the notoriety of this drop! Love em. Thanks to for making this possible <3

1 3

Why do you ban marginalized communities?

1 3

Hey , how dare you ban Flurks because of a few rainbow flags. Gay art should be promoted, not deplatformed. Check your calendar, it's almost 2022. This type of homophobia is outrageous and completely unacceptable.

9 30

Now please fix the bug that got Flurks blacklisted

1 7

When they make Flurks outlawed, only outlaws will own Flurks. Excited to have snagged some right before rarible deplatformed

0 0

Flurks by have just been delisted from for having confederate flags as a trait. It's another terrible precedent which shows the hypocrisy of OS and how far from real decentralization we are.

How are BAYC wearing commie hats different from Flurks? Thread/

44 159