I couldn't whip up another sketch for so here's some oldies- Aestuarichthys fulcratus, Xenacanthus, Sundayichthys, and Limnomis, all made in MS Paint around a year ago.

34 128

Local Tiktaalik in great mood, expert says

7 20

offers today:
Qarmoutus, Protosphyraena, Piranhamesodon and Stensioella.

68 343

Once long before I drew the fossil hagfish Tethymyxine, lit as though you took a submersible to the Cretaceous. From Jan 2019.

3 28

cladoselache for wednesday on

2 14

Rhizodus for
I’m really proud of the coloring on this one!!

12 47

My 2nd entry of behold the wicked jandemarrai, hailing from Gogo formation in Western Australia, the best preserved of its genus with a fossil of an almost complete skull.

21 79

Onchopristis RIP, Saivodus, Cobelodus and Leedsichthys, the last three were done in the

9 45

Time to take part in fashionably late, of course!

Diplomystus dentatus, a predatory clupeomorph fish known from Eocene deposits. Fossils occasionally show this fish with large prey protruding from it's mouth, presumably choking to death and becoming fossilized.

5 26

So, it's promised post! Xiphactinus audax for I finally can justify my DevianArt nickname. 😁

17 89

Stylish Propterus elongatus from Solnhofen for FossilFishWeek

10 111

Today with
Flagellipinna, Xiphactincus, Birgeria and Squaloraja

78 378

Because it's I will post a bunch of pieces of extinct fishes over the next few days and on the weekend we will have fish centered streams. Today it's
Palaleonotopterus, Pachrhizodus, Eekaulostomus and Fucacauda.

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Another sarcopterygian for day 2 of Here we have the lumpy, I mean lovely, Foreyia from the Triassic of Switzerland. This fintastic fossil highlights how a few slight changes to even just one gene may lead to a cascade of unique morphologic features!

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Pteraspis from the typical side view for It used to not have scaly body, but I decide to add it just for the aesthetic.

7 34

As a lover of fossil fishes, artwork based on them, and science-themed memes, I must resurrect this classic for

33 136

10 minutes doodle Bawitius for the first entry of

12 101