So many parental moments seared into my brain...
Hey! If you love Fowl Language, please consider subscribing or upping upping your subscription level. I desperately need all my fans' help to reach our subscription goal so I can keep making these comics!

8 40

I always want to try those "black and red" art.
it was fun. Featuring my secret drip
Fowl cowl, obsidian mantle with mecha wings and devious horns.

2 17

Wyatt NightBeak! ♦️ ✨️

Another old Ducktales oc i had ! He is a young FOWL agent, that is a very skilled spy and mage that holds a magidal red pendant ! ✨️

4 27

Neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring - but a multiclassing tradigital illustrator. Ask me about wildlife/botany and you'd better have a comfy chair and a thermos to hand because I CAN ENTHUSE for hours (with diagrams (especially if it involves bats)).

1 11

I definitely gotta get on this, cause I know Suki’s intro and win quotes finna be FOWL

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10. Lay-jax Tel-capon and Lay-jax Fowl-eus (Ajax Telamon and Ajax Oileus)

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Day 16: Fowl.

Let's imagine for a moment that Lana somehow went on Liam's farm. Can she followed Lincoln, maybe?
I'm sure Lana loved local farm animals and fowl at first sight.

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