Thank. God.

Now I’m gonna use all my freebees to see if I can get Luke too, but I’m literally so frustrated w this scout rn. ToT you better make it up me to me w some amazing stories

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We've got some HUGE news coming in 2 weeks and it may or may not have something to do with a UK supermarket👀

We can't say too much right now but here's a cheeky clue to get you as excited as we are😱😎

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I do giveaways every two weeks
♥♥RAFFLE! One free Headshot♥♥

Last week was 🍋

= Follow
= Retweet
= Comment your character you want drawn~

Raffle ends 4/13/22 ♥

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✨commission complete✨
Look at these stickers I made!! Kiba is the freebee for now! they were so fun to draw then hold them in my hands 🥺

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Me parece de vergüenza que después de hacerles cosas tan horribles a unos pobres cachorros los quieran matar. Por favor, dadlos en adopción, muchisima gente los cuidará y darán la vida que necesitan, parad YA y soltadlos y !!!!

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How is it possible that the , the and the continue to protect the torturers of ? We demand the release of the puppies and the closure of this laboratory hell.

19 18

No podemos permitir que una entidad pública como la fomente el maltrato animal y provoque la muerte de 38 cachorros.

Exigimos que se rompa el contrato con Vivotecnia, laboratorio en juicio por maltrato animal, y se libere a los beagles.

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La no ha hecho absolutamente nada en el caso Vivotecnia, la tampoco y la contrata al laboratorio para experimentar y matar a 38 cachorros.

¡Exigimos ¡No faltes!

· Sábado 22

· Plaça Sant Jaume

· 12.00

35 26

Existen alternativas, la sociedad debe avanzar en valores, nadie debería ser torturado, los animales también importan. La , el y la deberían saberlo.

79 69

Vivotecnia es un infierno para los animales y la lo sabe, pero la ha contratado. ¡El y la son cómplices!

Exigimos la liberación de los 38 cachorros a los que pretenden ejecutar tras la experimentación.

224 185

Vivotecnia is a hell for animals and the is aware. The and the are accomplices!
We demand the release of the 38 puppies they intend to execute after experimentation.

16 17

Go follow I got the page started! I’m uploading the collection to opensea tomorrow, to start building the Doodle Bee community by giving out free NFTs to followers 🤝 last sneak peek from me. Legendary Venom Doodle Bee 🐝#projectfreebee

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I had one heck of a stream. Made some art for a few friends. Want to thank everyone who came.

I also made one piece of art as a freebee so have fun with the PanPaw. You are free to use it for Emotes, Twitch, Discord but not to sell.

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Yeen freebee for Namaiki on discord

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I'm feeling super proud of these 🧡FREE ART🥺

I'll try to do a couple more freebees this week🧡

Thanku so much for the support and love on my work recently!! It really means a lot ~

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Thank you so much my friend, cheers 🍻🍻

Still got some to slurp at the discord-bar, so peeps come over and join in for a freebeer dis weekend 💥

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My Vanishing Dictator animated illustration has been nominated for Klub Twórców Reklamy KTR Awards.

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