Head 45. The picture is from my 100headschallenge Pintrest board. This was done with watercolour pencils in an ivory toned Stillman and Birn sketchbook (5.5” x 8”).

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8. Match - Inktober 2022. This was done with graphitint pencils and ink in a watercolour sketchbook (5.5” x 5.5”).

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Head 44. The picture is from my 100headschallenge Pintrest board. This was done with watercolour pencils in an ivory toned Stillman and Birn sketchbook (5.5” x 8”).

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7. Trip - Inktober 2022. This was done with graphitint pencils and ink in a watercolour sketchbook (5.5” x 8”).

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6. Bouquet - Inktober 2022. This was done with graphitint pencils and ink in a watercolour sketchbook (5.5” x 8”).

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2. Scurry. - Inktober 2022. This was done with graphitint pencils and ink in a watercolour sketchbook (5.5” x 8”).

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I was convinced last night to make at least one (1) cursed emote instead of just a bunch of cute ones
(animated bowparaid soon my freehands are horrifying)

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Compare to last years yeah I’m an art badass who freehands cats- no sketch required !!

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クMAさん主催の合同誌に参加させていただきました!オレンジを齧るリンちゃんです(๑ ́ᄇ`๑)

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