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prsk! Hloo sender lgi nyari moots nihh! buat ngeramein tl sender!! Sender ramah koo g gigit sama sekali! Buat Ena oshi, Niigo oshi ataupun mfen shipper dpt freepass y! Rep aj dibawah ntar sender samperin >3
cw // bxg , kinilani / kinichxmualani
hwlo frens‼️sender lagi mw nyari genshinmoots untuk nyuburin tl :3 especially penikmat fanart dan penulis au 😋 byf sender minor n proshipper,basic dnf, freepass for huxiao kinilani enjoyers 😼🌹(art by sender😽‼️ dilarang maling)
prsk! selamat malamm! aku mau mencari mutual buat diajak interaksi ‹3 unlabeled account. still a minor (17-) dan nene, kanade, mizuki oshi! homophobic, straightphobic, nsfw acc dni. 25ji stan and wxs stan got a freepass ^___^
*hq haiiii sender bikin akun baru khusus hype anime jd mau cari moots nih~ freepass utk pencinta para kapten terutama ushiwaka🔥, brotp ushioi bokuroo, dan lg hype wbk sakumeng juga👀 i'm ok with any ships✨ rep dengan kapten fav kalian nanti sender sapa✨
*hq // lokal au , art by sender
Hi, im looking for new friends☝ If u dont mind aku yume-acc. Yg mencintai bokuaka secara ugal ugalan dpt freepass🙆♀️ Homophobic+minor dni ya
Have a good day, here's toshi in beskap♡
haloo sender lagi nyari *hq mutuals yg gak masalah kalau sender talk about tobioo a lot, rl sports (mainly rjn & ina badminton team), and any other animangas ★___<
kageyama & kenma stan claim your freepass, minor dni sorry
hello, i'm looking for a new kawanbabu to interact with >__0 i go by she/her and im still 17 yrs old, heavy nsfw acc and problematic strictly dni! if you're interested just rep and i'll hit u up! 👋
- kinich wanter go claim your freepass!! 🎟
greetings travelers,
did anyone in here is interested to be kawanbabu with me ? i go by she / her, and already in legal age.
please kindly leave a trace, thank you.
furina stan claims your freepass now !
evening, a wriothesley main right here! currently looking for kawanbabu freepass available for those, my fellow, fan of papi wrio and adek sigewinne. I hope you dont mind with business account though. please leave your trace, I will knock your door.
evening, a wriothesley main right here! currently looking for genshinmoots freepass available for those, my fellow, fan of papi wrio and adek sigewinne. I hope you dont mind with business account though. please leave your trace, I will knock your door.
Good day dearest kawanbabu. I'm looking for more mutuals since my tl is kinda empty lately. Things you should note about me: a writing account that post dead dove contents(tapi ga semuanya kok.) Minor, homophobic, anti-profic DNI!! p.s. Writers get freepasses.
*hq setelah 120 hari membuat poster ini dan mengumpulkan tekad, akhirnya aku memberanikan diri untuk send nyari temen di sini 😁☝️ayo temenan sama aku pls. Sesama fanartist dan writer apalagi Yams defender bakal dapat freepass dan sedikit kecup 🤗
hi 👋 i just made new acc and looking for new *hq moots to hype with, if u don't mind i hype other animangas 🤠 left a trace and i'll hyu!! homophobic & minor DNI yaa.
p.s setter stan get freepass
greeting travelers! i'm looking for more kawanbabu to fill up my dry timeline. i go by they/she, still a minor (16+). unlabeled account but mostly talk about genshin, anime, prsk, hsr. semua jenis akun di terima kecuali buat yg homophobic. Kinich wanter get a freepass!
Hi semuanya! Aku disini mau cari kawanbabu yang mau jadi temenku. I’m on my legal age tp akunku safe buat minor! I use she/her dan aku pake Neuvillette as my main. 🤓 aku jg suka banget sama anime, manhwa, dan Neuvillette (freepass utk yg suka sama hakim kita ini) 🫶🌷
setor wip art! setelah berkutat 1 jam gambar braid (nangis dikit). ada yang mau berk☁️? vtuber dan orv fanartist dpt freepass!
Malam semua, sender disini lg nyari kawanbabu yg suka jbjb dn gk masalah akun sender unlabeled. Utk homophobic & mdni acc DNI dlu ya (sender minor), drop your carrd or any trace and I'll hyu! Freepass buat yg suka Alhaitham & Wriothesley
haloOo...‼️💥 sender lagii mencari kawanbabu to fill my dry timeline🤝🏻 i go with they/she. aku suka nulis au📝 dan mostly bxg (im fine with any ships). reply and i'll hit you up
(wrv, chlm, scrmn get a freepass) 🪄
Hello, I'm currently on a mission to find some genshinmoots since my timeline is getting dry. I go by she/her, currently AR 45 with Furina as my main. Kindly leave your trace below and i'll hit you up <3 (small acc please claim ur freepass 🎟️)
Maleemm Artist! Setor wip sekalian ada yang mau berk☁️ sama sender?? Hoyo fanartist dapet freepass🫶🙌 Homophobic DNI yaa