
1 11

Art of my friends and I's OC's! Thesan (friends OC on the left), and Kayn (my OC ) Thesan is they/he and my boi Kayn is weak for them as grumpy as he is lol

0 2

Bob They/them
Age: 21 .
Pana: Michael [ Oc of ]
remember guys bob is not a woman no is a man
[ Based on michel oc of siri ]

3 17

Sanctuary Red: Are you going to put that in Mister Arnold's grave? he died yesterday man! what will you do?

Dr Somber Blue:Be silent and see for yourself the power of necromancy!

3 25

Skskks i decided to make moccasin in school au, welp he's neat :]
School au by

10 35


3 21

( ᷇ᢦ ᷆ )

3 18


7 33


2 26

Here we are the Nurse Teacher, Cyana she came from college with Half!
School AU from

6 16