☃️More Mayhem in the Mounds. ::Warning:: The Surgeon General has determined that Hot Chocolate can be hazardous to your heallth🎨Zazzle☃️#FrostyTheSnowman

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some frosty the snowman doodles from a while back! ☃️❄️

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Thought I would draw something involving the Holiday. has never my favorite holiday special.

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Who's seen this show? Probably everyone. Merry Christmas folks

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🙄Stay safe while you're struggling in the snow. Lotta shady dealings going down during the holidays🎨S.E.😳#HappyHolidays

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A look at what could happen if you put Frosty's hat on a snow covered tree: would it become ?

Anyways, this weeks prompt for was but given I've done a few renditions of that character already, something different...

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⛄ Frosty the Snowman

今日の👨‍🎨お絵描きは🎄クリスマスソング🎶をアニメ化した で〜す❄🎅

ランキンバスプロ作品ですが が制作を担当しました。🤔

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One of the only good Karen's. Can I get an amen?

Also make sure you watch frosty the snowman on Christmas this year!!!

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Santa might need some extra muscle for this adventure.

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The hills are alive with the sound of... Christmas?

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