I'm still drawing digimons... What digimon should i draw for the next episode? Atlur Kabuterimon? Okuwagamon?

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It's Funbeemon! One of my favorite Digimon, I'm super excited to see him in Adventure 2020!

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Yamato, Sora, Joe, and the others arrive at a place with a vast, thick jungle. Then, Yamato comes across a swarm of Funbeemon being attacked by the Bee-type Digimon, Waspmon. Waspmon captures the Funbeemon one after another, and a Digimon resembling an enormous...

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Slowly we are getting to the Kofi requests, apologies for the delay! was so nice to let Riza and me choose what Digimon we want. Since we couldn't decide we did two and the first one is my choice FunBeemon!

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