"Keep quiet down there while you suck I'm trying to work you useless slut. Now stop talking and start sucking."
💗 +🔄 to listen to your Boss

15 37

"Oh, you wanted more medicine even outside of battle... Well if your really need out."
💗 +🔄 to really need it

11 27

"I can give you my patented healing medicine, I call "Healing Cum". Say ah"
💗 +🔄 to regain your HP

6 19

"Come on Peach, you said you wanted to taste what futa cum tastes like, I'm giving you a chance. If you like it I'm willing to have all your hikes to have a taste~"
💗 +🔄 to start sucking your first futa cock

15 44

"Are you ready to push the price for failure of posting up on time? Strip down and put this collar on~"
*I throw a collar with your name on it already knew that you weren't going to pay in time*
💗 +🔄 to strip and put the collar on

12 26

"Welcome my Queen, you asked for my assistance in sexual matters. I'm honored to be your royal breeder~"
*I bow happily as my cock throbs*
💗 +🔄 (Can't think of anything, just do it please)

4 15

"You know what to do you nerdy slut~"
💗 +🔄 to kiss and suck

9 29

"Come on and let me down so I can pound you and s fill you~"
💗 +🔄 to cut her down

12 34

"You know what happens when you lose a battle you and your Pokemon become my cumdumps~"
💗 +🔄 to accept your defeat

17 54

"Hi, I kinda broke my old Darling so I'm looking for a new one, I need a good submissive Darling with tight holes~"
💗 +🔄 to become Zero Two's Darling

13 41

"Come on Senpai, you said you wanted to hang out~"
💗 +🔄 to hang out with Uzaki-chan

10 40

"Welcome, thank you for purchasing the exclusive premium package. We are here to impregnate you. We hope that our Dark Elven cum is satisfactory for you~"
💗+🔄 to join them

15 41