These guys are my two OC's in gachaverse you see in sho's eyes cylfer is his mentor and tober likes lusive but lusive doesn't like him back.

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Fun fact:
My old OC, Koniwa, was inspired from the Gachaverse representation of me.

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たぶん誰かやってるだろうけどGachaverseっていうアプリで2期かばんちゃんを作った なかなか似てると思う

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Ekekeke Join Mochi High to learn on tips or simply to rp! ùwú giveaway and contest ongoing ouo!~
Also join ebic nice ppl server

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Ma hawt gacha bab umu! I lob her hnn- gibe kyut pastel oc plis am bored

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Henlloo!Are you interested in a rp discord server? And perhaps you want to improve ur Gacha editing skill?Or perhaps ur art skills then this server is for you! Come and greet new ppl uwu

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New speedpaint!!

Turning Gachaverse Fan Characters into OCs!

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