Health check featuring Mr. Asthma aka Lungsy McShitLungs

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The Darkness In My Mind

And these are the times I wish I had a scanner or a tablet that works. I tried my best to get them looking like I wanted with the editor on my phone qvq

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Started on a few projects... I'm hoping to finish some of them soon, but life things keep happening.

In the meantime, enjoy my new character Mizuki. :3

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Please just read Saga!

Lying cat is reason enough

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This really stuck with me after finishing

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Hazel will Skish you to brighten your day

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🇲🇽Art trade con de su tierna personaje Izumi, conozcan mas de ella en su manga "figure-09" en Toon Latino

🇺🇸EArt trade with of his cute character Izumi

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:3 jeje bueno para el que no sepa, a mi me gustan mucho los dinosaurios uwu 🖤🦕🦖💙

-Den 😸💙

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Brian K. Vaughan und Fiona Staples arbeiten wieder an ihrer Erfolgsserie SAGA! Bis es soweit ist, könnt ihr euch ja noch einmal (oder zum ersten mal) die ersten neun Bände dieser bahnbrechenden Comicserie zu Gemüte führen.

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Y la última del año en Sagacomic es para esta 2ª «entrega» de las selecciones de los mejores relatos de ciencia ficción y fantasía a cargo de Gigamesh

Historias muy agradables de leer, que invitan a la reflexión mientras se disfruta de ellas


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