Preparen sus disfraces, Compren dulces pa regalar, prendale fuego a sus responsabilidades,
ûwû y a esperar la noche, pa ir a robar dulces.

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Eu e meu time de Galar, Sobble, Hattrem, Alcremie, Appletun, Polteageist e Grimmsnarl

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I'd like to introduce everyone to my wonderful wife, Jaylee "Penny" and her cute little (annoying) Chiwren

We met at a party when I was stuck in Galar, she still keeps up the party side to her to this day 😅 however she's not much of a battler.

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Por romper una lanza a favor de los nuevos pokémon... qué coño os esperabais?? Os creéis que iban a poner cultura española de verdad? Fijaos en Galar, que menos por lo de los héroes, el mayor exponente cultural de región es Furbo

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Oh, you would be a *fool* to believe Rose was the only one behind Darkest Day. Stahl is here to save Galar, whether it likes it or not.

Please do not resist.

🎨art by the impeccable

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"I've just arrived to Galar, do you have any idea of where I can find a Milcery?"

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Meet the main four of The Trials of Galar, my very own AU for Pokemon Sword and Shield, feat. ocs made by myself and friends! You can find the fic on AO3.

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Comenta y te doy un tipo para que cites con tus 4 Pokémon favoritos del mismo tipo

Me dieron: psiquico

Ponyta y Pasta de dientes de Galar, Mega Gardevoir (Shiny), Hatterene, Gothorita

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Depuis quelque temps Évoli est devenu un peu la deuxième mascotte de la licence, et est souvent mis au niveau que Pikachu.
A Alola, Raichu a obtenu une forme régionale, et a Galar, Pikachu possède un Gigamax à l’instar d’Evoli.

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Depuis Alola, un Pokemon de type feu bénéficie d’une forme régionale a chaque jeu (Goupix Alola, Ponyta Galar, Caninos Hisui). Le seul restant est Magmar, mais contrairement aux autres il a une famille de 3 Pokemon. Vont ils se tourner vers un autre type ?

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COMM: Sinnoh Arc Avian!
Before being a burnt-out-former-gifted kid/overworked & depressed office worker in Galar, homie was terrorising the Sinnoh gym circuit at 10 years old and crushing his opponents in his asshole rival phase.
Art by the talented @/MadzRevolution!

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In Galar, these pokemon are used to clean the air in the factors.

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Galar, já é um caso diferente. Embora também seja uma região que seja criticada - afinal, o que é o treinador sem seu ódio desmedido? -, Galar é elogiada por sua imersão e pelas referências acessíveis ao Reino Unido - como o Rock demonstrado em Toxtricity:

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¡Tengo los pectorales más fuertes de toda Galar, hah!

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Satoshi and Serena their dream come true! 💕
Hope they become serious realtionship girlfriend / boyfriend.
Serena will be completely winner wallace cup and Saotshi will be completely winner of the champions galar, since kalos defeated.
Aria and Alain win at kalos. https://t.co/Mkm2ZEQFY9

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Eu teria escolhido o Meowth de Galar, porém como a aparência peludona e felpuda não é "pelo" e sim como se fosse uma barba eu não escolhi. Ainda fico irritado com isso

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For Galar, Impidimp. Galarian Form: Stunfisk. Hisui: Ursaluna. Hisuian Form: Voltorb. Overall: Impidimp.

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looking back at my old wooloo drawing before they released galar, i predicted wooloo's shiny!!

just the wrong color of eyes ahaha

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Il y avait 8 Pokémon autorisés pour ce concours : Pikachu, Dracaufeu, Arcanin, Cizayox, Bulbizarre, Galopa de Galar, Amphinobi et Nigosier.

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