Before it was late I had to jump in to . The price is rising and the volume is really high. Here are some of my guys.

3 22

Gangverse Elder # 8888 and Femme Fatale # 7777 are still deciding on who will be the second in command of the leadership of Gang Lucky 7+! Stay tuned! Join us at Gangverse!

7 22

My first 3 buys of 2023. I love the collection on . I have 17 in my gang now. Better get in now if you're interested dont sleep on it. The FP is moving ⬆️⬆️⬆️        

8 28

The “3 wise Elders” of The Lucky 7 Gang extends their new year greetings to all of !May 2023 bring good growth and fortune to the Team and community.

8 26

Meanwhile, as the power struggle continues, El Toro (Elder 8888), activated the best spy of Gangverse! Meet “Eve aka “Moneypenny (Agent 7777)!

9 18

It arrived !! Awesome artwork, can't wait for the future of the project. Thank tou for the giveaway 💪

4 10

Lucky 🍀
Just got a great girl airdrop❤️Check out Gangverse by GANGVERSE at NFT! via

4 18

What is this, damn, my boi find a new gal .
Show them some love 🖤

6 31

My are still waiting for their last brother/sister (airdrop) to join in the party.

8 25

Received an airdrop from !
Thanks for the pretty lady! 😍

12 28

Let's get minting! Before it's too late! 😎💪🔥
Gangverse members are waiting...

3 11