Revisited a latex uniform inspired by the French Gendarmerie from last year.

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// Hiii don’t mind me, just dropping my OCs’ families uwu

Ana’s a gendarme (military cop ?). Nina and Sébastien are busy running the fish/butcher shop. Bruno’s the mayor and Chantal’s throwing parties with the richer ladies of town :)

Feel free to ask questions !

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gendarmerie is good, see my one of my old art

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Italian National Republican Guard (Guardia Nazionale Repubblicana) was a gendarmerie force of the Italian Social Republic created by decree on December 8, 1943.

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Place de la Bourse, prise et incendie du corps de garde de la gendarmerie le mardi 27 au soir

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Quand Francis Lalanne voulait s'engager dans la gendarmerie. (Par )

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Citroën Méhari – Le SUV Intemporel de la Gendarmerie – Illustration numérique -

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Finished all the Steel Fist gendarmes....but...there’s 30 of them. Which is bollocks.
36 would make much more sense.

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et du.25.08.2020 : sur la plage, des gendarmes leur demandent de se rhabiller !

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Edgar Degas–born 1834–continually belittled the Impressionists' for painting en plein air: "You know what I think of people who work out in the open. If I were the government I'd have a special brigade of gendarmes to keep an eye on artists who paint landscapes from nature."

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Just a couple of police-themed latex outfits inspired by Italy's Carabinieri and France's National Gendarmerie.

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*Caricatura digital: Andrés Casciani / Texto: Eddy Whopper (2020)



*Galería y textos completos:

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La fête de Pâques célèbre la Résurrection du Christ. Une victoire sur la mort qui en cette période de confinement, sans attestation de sortie, aurait coûté 135 € à Jésus ... Toujours les mêmes gendarmes ou policiers, plus zélés que la moyenne :
Bonnes Pâques

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Only 24 hours remain in the following campaigns:
-"[Reprint] O' the Great Gendarme" Main Story Quests, Free Quests, and High Difficulty Quests
-The reprinted "O' the Great Gendarme" and "New Semester 2018+2019" Transient Summons

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Jean-Luc Godard, Raoul Coutard, and Jean-Paul Belmondo take a ride with the Gendarmerie nationale during the making of BREATHLESS (1960).

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Alors, je vous le dis sans haine, mais vous me le paierez très cher, mais alors très cher !

🔜 à 21h05 suivi par à 22h55 ce soir sur M6 📺

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M6 programme en urgence la saga des Gendarmes les lundis 23 et 30 mars 📺

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なぜか昔から、こちらによく来る陸軍野戦憲兵個人アルバムのひとつからおすそ分け。陸軍野戦憲兵集合写真 二等兵から星3つ下士官までの全階級 憲兵袖ワシはなくFeldgendarmerie織り出しカフタイトルのみ 着帽は全員が陸軍型山岳帽(エーデルヴァイス無し) Schmidt&Sohn収蔵資料写真

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