Day 25 of Prompt 26(grid of permutations) and prompt 27 (2D perspective).

2 11

day 23 - restricted colours
refactoring earlier sketches reveals good/bad programming practice.
Good - colors array makes it easy to change them
Bad - need to properly build inheritance into my shape classes

2 31


function f(x) { 
    f(1 * x / 4); 
    f(2 * x / 4); 
    f(3 * x / 4); 

This one was not easy. Curious to see what other artists have created !

4 34

Genuary day 21

𝚏𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚏(𝚡) {
𝚏(𝟷 * 𝚡 / 𝟺);
𝚏(𝟸 * 𝚡 / 𝟺);
𝚏(𝟹 * 𝚡 / 𝟺);

1 10

Day 20!

These images were all created with using a differential growth algorithm.

My questionable link to the prompt is that the perimeter of the shape never intersects itself (which would form a loop).

5 26

"Increase the randomness along the Y-axis". Add rotation to taste.

10 105

Day 18 of Finally finished prompt 15(snow) and 16 (circle). I tried to carve out snowflakes-like shapes using circles. The results don't always look sharp. Ready for plotting!

3 17

day 17 is yet another mutation of the little system that I built.

4 14

day 4: Small areas of symmetry.

Goal 1: Don't use a grid ✔️
Goal 2: Find an usual way to do symmetry ✔️

This one was luckily a lot faster to make. Enjoy!

2 5


Improved triangle subdivision algorithm to quad subdivision, and rounded the shapes !

2 15