It was kinda both at the same time? It was after alot of growing friendship and feelings. I mentioned it before but after Ghilley's 2 week suspension, during the painting scene is when they had their first kiss. And that's when the relationship started~

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devs not giving ghilley any sort of piercings show that they KNOW the power he holds

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Intro post for new oomfs!!

Hi guys!! I’m Rie! Nice to meet you all!! ^^ Some of my interests include Afterl!fe, Genshin Impact, Enstars, BSD, A3, TWST, OM and Cookie Run!!

I do yume a lot (in an art slump tho) and I mainly yume with ghilley from AL! Some others i yume with are:

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anw i love ghilley so so much oh my good look at him so gorjes 😦💜

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HAPPY Valentine's day my lovely Ghilley! I know we just got engaged yesterday, but I couldn't help it and got you another gift. The purple ribbon you gave me is precious, so here. This hair clip resembles a dove wing, with pearls that shine like water! I love you~💕💕💕


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“This man means the entire universe for me and i only hope for his happiness 🥺🥺 I love him so so much Happy Valentine’s Day, Ghilley!!”


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What the fuck i miss ghilley so much what he fuck i love you

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I draw my favourite characters and I just noticed they always have long black (or dark color) hair!!

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Verine, Ghilley, and Albedo cause wynaut.

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Goodbye, I've loved you & I will always love you. Theo, I hope you get to go on the bike trip w/ your friend. Kirr, I hope you find that white deer for your brother. Ghilley, I hope you're no longer lonely, even when I'm gone. I love every one of you so much! 😊❤

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Ghilley thought teasing his Meaistress with Mistletoe was a hilarious idea at the time. Ofc he didnt expect her to actually give in, let alone be the one to initiate! Guess he forgot that Mea enjoys teasing the teaser lol~
(late xmas Mealley yume♡)

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It will be Christmas Day for me in 20 mins and tommorow morning I definitely plan to get Ghilley under the mistletoe with me TeeHee~
GoodNight Lovelies!

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When some app said my profile(on FB) looks like this woman character...

Me:Alright here we go again---

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"I will smile for you."
"I will always miss you."
"But I will say 'See you again' instead of to say 'Goodbye'."
"Because I believe we will meet again in someday."
"Do you think so?:)"

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Mealley AU where Mea is a busybody artist and Ghilley is a homemade toy come to life.

bc we were discussing stuffed toys at SSR lol

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