my contribution for i had a lot of fun making this <3 huge thank you to the team for holding this event

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For our last santa reveal of Day 1 we bring you soft GinHiji ft. a piggyback ride that is sure to make GH fans swoon 😍The santa for this artwork is none other than Fay!!

Santa: Fay

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Now this is something we all want to see! Our eighth santa reveal for Day 1 features adorable Sakamoto and Zura bundling up for winter! The santa is none other than..... Ryan (Runawaykotaro)!!

Santa: Ryan (Runawaykotaro)

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//Slight NSFW, nudity//

Only 4 more people to go before we conclude Day 1 of (aww 🥲) For now, we reveal our seventh santa and their artwork of GinHiji (is that long-haired Hijikata I see?!?!), created by.... Selomero97!!

Santa: Selomero97

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An adorable Kagura and Sadaharu in the snow joins the fray in our sixth santa reveal for Day 1 The Santa who's bringing us this bundle of joy is... Vivalski!!

Santa: Vivalski

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Our fourth santa reveal for brings Santa suits and sibling love into the mix! Santa Gin's Dadtoki senses are tingling like crazy from seeing the siblings actually getting along for once! For this artwork, our Santa is none other than Nad!

Santa: Nad

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Day 1 brings us to our first secret santa gift for HMM? the giftee's name on the artwork itself?!?! What a surprise indeed! With the giftee already revealed, let's reveal the lovely Santa behind this artwork as well! Drum roll please..... it's Fran!

Santa: Fran

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I hope u guys still remember Santa-Gin and the Simps, we are currently sorting the Santas and Giftees, so please be on standby with zura until then🙏

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Santa Sacchan temporarily here to remind all of Santa Gin’s little helpers that applications for is opening at 12:00AM GMT! Which is approx. 11hours from now! If you forget to sign up, Sacchan will be visiting you when you sleep 💝 Get ready!!

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