[Day 15 of - Nose Bleed]
Lukas fuccin' punched Ian in the face; totally understandable since he dec him a few days ago lolol-

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[Day 14 of - Consentual Guro]
I love these two now lolol They're so fun to draw. The blonde-haired boyo's name is Ian, but the brown-haired one doesn't have a name yet =.=

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[Day 13 of - Impalement]
Getting a spear shot through your chest; not a fun pass-time ;p

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[Day 12 of - Barbed Wire]
Another random character to be put through misery, since this prompt doesn't fit any of my current OCs ;p

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[Day 11 of - Decapitation]
Continuation of my Day 8+9 drawing.
I like these two now, so I'll probably need to explain the story I have in mind- (wow, goretober givin' me OC ideas now lolol)

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