En la propia DIM Card de Agunimon podemos ver también al Espíritu de la Tierra, y su Rookie, como predijimos, es Gotsumon 🪨

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Happy birthday to the late Michael Lindsay, the voice of Joe Kido and Greymon in Digimon Adventure & Digimon Adventure 02, and Gotsumon/Meteormon in Digimon Data Squad. 🦋

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Pumkinmon and Gotsumon are friendship goals fr!

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Desde nos enseñan los diseños de los peluches judía de los que ganaron las votaciones: ¡Pumpkinmon, Gotsumon y Keramon!

Fuente: https://t.co/hyNs6FsuEy

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El capítulo de hoy, con la aparición de Pumpkinmon me recordó al capitulo 33 de Digimon Adventure (1999).

En aquella ocasion Pumpkinmon y Gotsumon fueron asesinados por Myotismon.


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😰Cream the Rabbit, Cheese the Chao, and Shadow the Ultimate Lifeform reaction of Myotismon killing Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon due to their betrayal for some reason (from Digimon, and Sonic the Hedgehog series)😔

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Tails Prower and Amy Rose reaction of Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon stealing ice cream (from Sonic the Hedgehog and Digimon series)

Amy Rose: You brought ice cream for us?
Tails: How and where did you guys get it from?
Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon: We stole it!
Tails and Amy: (shocked)

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Today marks 2 years since the passing of the great Michael Lindsay, the voice of Joe Kido and Greymon in & and Gotsumon/Meteormon in 🦋

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- Kazuchimon
- AncientIrismon
Cartas verdes al poder
- Gotsumon (Con Pumpmon detrás quejándose de sus ronquidos)
- Betamon verdecito :3

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Wait a second, Kazuto recognised him! It's Shinichi, the damn kid who's into his sister! Out of all the people to find in the Digital World, it just HAD to be him

Gotsumon doesn't know why they're threatening the new kid but he's always down for violence

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Iniciaremos con el señor como algunos saben ya le hice anteriormente una linea evolutiva a este señor pero vamos a cambiarla para no hacer copypaste.

Cambiamos la Baby II por y por tanto la Baby I seria Child como ya sabemos seria Gotsumon.

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Did a Gotsumon sprite artwork interpretation.

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Happy birthday to the late Michael Lindsay, the voice of Joe Kido and Greymon in & and Gotsumon/Meteormon in 🦋

39 147

Estaba buscando imágenes de referencias para un digi y me he topado con este gotsumon masao sin cuello

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Shoutmon EX6, Guilmon X, Ganimon X, Gotsumon X, Gesomon X, Dobermon X, Monochromon X, ThunderBallmon X, MetalMamemon X, Panjyamon X and MetalGreymon X were added to the Reference Book!!

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Gotsumon, my personal favorite choice of starter Digimon for Hackers Memory just cuz I think it's so unique! 9/10!

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i know bastiodon exists, but i grant thee the humble dubwool. nice lad with four horns, them!!

for a digimon, i give u tapirmon!! (alternatively, gotsumon) as they digivolve into monochromon 😌😌 (tapirmon also seems like another nice lad that can spear you)

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Para terminar, en DIGIMON ADVENTURE 20th Memorial Story (Corto 5), Pumpkinmon y Gotsumon hablan de su muerte a manos de Myotismon, la cual fingieron, lo que Gabumon les recrimina. Esta muerte la vimos en la serie original de Digimon Adventure.

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