Animated artwork by Marion Fayolle, a French artist creating sexually charged works with a playfulness edge.

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Artwork by Margalit Cutler, an New York based illustrator creating work with strong narratives, which take viewers on beautiful journeys.

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Illustration by Pigo Lin, an artist and watch designer based in Taiwan. Surreal and softly erotic, the works are created with strong tonal contrasts and touch on thought provoking issues.

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'Nature Calls' by Marco Demasi, an Italian artist and graphic designer. Demasi describes this beautiful piece as a ‘personal work,’ which is a serene reflection on nature and humanity.

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Illustration by Pietro Tenuta, an artist based in Turin creating beautifully romantic works with a pastel palette.

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Artwork by Fucci, a Finnish-Canadian artist whose unique style is instantly recognisable. The highly sexualised works are refreshing in that they are unapologetic and come with a degree of wit.

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Senior Coconut, known as 'Milk For My Coconut' is an artist based in Germany creating erotic artworks with thick textural paint.

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Giulia Rosa: drawings of a good girl.

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Dancers in Pink by Edgar Degas

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“Bodies have their own light which they consume to live: they burn, they are not lit from the outside.”
― Egon Schiele

'Reclining Woman' inspired by Egon Schiele.

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+ collaboration '"As a painter, I work to develop paintings that speak about the beauty and power that exists within weather patterns. I constantly find myself staring into oncoming storms." |#gowithyamo

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Finding inspiration in Japanese woodblock prints from Hiroshige and Hokusai, which he owned, Gauguin developed the idea of non-naturalistic landscapes.

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Heading to this weekend? Don't miss 'Wayne Thiebaud: a Guided Tour' at Gallery (Friday – Sunday, 12.30-1pm)

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