GranitGrey added a new item to their Ko-fi Shop.

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Cayó granizo y ahora hace un chingo de frío ❄️

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ジムで筋トレに # コントロールベア

14 132

Dibujo para la granita favorita de todo el mundo artístico lol

4 80

Overall I think Rocky is a solid edition to the Scarle universe. He seems like a pretty coal guy. Don't take his cuteness for granite!🪨💕

6 30

I give Grani kisses every day. I have drawn her nearly a hundred different times, and I dedicate my heart and soul to loving the beautiful little horsiegirl.

0 3

Y de repente.... Ellas estaban ahí. Todo este tiempo.

No están todas las personitas que han aportado su granito de arena para que estos últimos tiempos hayan sido un poco más llevaderos, pero igualmente les estoy infinitamente agradecida a cada una de ellas❤️

28 300

my sister’s lizard just shitted all over my granite hoodie. and this bitch is w h i t e

0 9

Almost all of my OCs are Granimites, which simply means they're an inhabitant of a different reality called Granimate. All Granimites are a reflection of an inanimate object from the real world, with all of them being unique in their anatomy, abilities, and characteristics.

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🟠 Flint
🟠 Granite
🟠 Quartz
🟠 Vine
🟠 Sap
🟠 Ground
🟠 Bane

3 5

Todos los Djinns de Venus de 1.
🟠 Sílex
🟠 Granito
🟠 Cuarzo
🟠 Parra
🟠 Savia
🟠 Lastre
🟠 Veneno

20 76

Nayru loves to paint figurines!🎨🖌️

From The Legend of - Oracle of Ages.
Commission for Granite Golem (). Thank you so much for all the patience! I felt like I could have tweaked this forever.

117 473

So, have a COINS OF JUDAS: THE GAMBLER 1&2 and GRANITE STATE PUNK: BREAKING EDGE coming out this year and if you want to get a VARIANT COVER, let me know. If you are a store or podcast. Or an artist and you want me to pitch you around let me know.

4 11

+48 22 29 22 597 🌷udostępnianie numeru do Aborcji Bez Granic i informacji o możliwościach zrobienia aborcji nie jest przestępstwem! Przerwanie własnej ciąży nie jest przestępstwem! Aborcja to self-care, aborcja to wybór, aborcja to życie, aborcja to bezpieczna procedura medyczna

18 29

grani doodle

16 83

Sphinx statue of Hatshepsut. Red Granite. Egyptian Museum, Cairo 🇪🇬

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\中村佑介氏トークショー 配信決定!/


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peace peace Grani

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Sphinx statue of Hatshepsut. Red Granite. Egyptian Museum, Cairo 🇪🇬

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