Exhibition of work of Frans Masareel (1889-1972), Felix Vallotton (1865-1925) and Olivier Deprez (b. 1966) at Musée du Dessin et de l'Estampe Originale, Gravelines, France, until 17 February 2019.

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29 July 1588: Martin Frobisher's 'The Triumph' again clashes protractedly with the flagship the 'San Martín' off

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29 July, 1588 off the coast of Gravelines, victory for England. Having survived the English fire ships, the Armada then faced a strong attack. The Armada lost at least 4 ships, others sustained damage & sailed North. Running low on powder & shot the English fleet ceased fighting

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A glorious depiction of the fierce fighting between the English and Spanish Navy during the Battle of Gravelines

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The English Navy launches fireships against the Spanish Armada in July 1588 during the Second Battle of Gravelines

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Today in Ladybird 29 Jul 1588 Battle of Gravelines - Drake & Howard repel Spanish Armada

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