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baru kemaren-kemaren nyobain pakai grayscale, tadi pas nyobain lagi hasilnya langsung beda.. 😂

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Grayscale Version~

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Artist! seru juga ternyata grayscale

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still trying to figure out that grayscale to color thing but just ended up doing a bunch of shit manually after the color layer step

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Tried to do grayscale to color (ft link). Only started playing totk a month ago. I love it so far! I wish Kass was in there tho, I miss bumping into him.

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💥 Teaser in grayscale for the mini-print included with the zine...! https://t.co/zpGIBH2AOX

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setor art! hampir 200 layer karena sambil belajar grayscale 😵‍💫 btw ada yang mau berk☁?

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I don't have that many black and white/grayscale drawings...

um I'm kinda embarrassed tagging some people so feel free to quote this with yours https://t.co/WUbdjBPJvI

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Minta saran art! dong guys, baju buat pedangdut senayan ini cocoknya warna apa ya (selain merah dan grayscale) 🙏 TIA

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artist! mau tanya dong, cara biar gambar berwarna jadi grayscale di csp gimana ya? aku mau ngecek apakah warnanya nyatu sama bgnya atau enggak, klo udah di ubah jadi grayscale bisa balik ke warna asli lagi ga? sender baru make csp jadi masih bingung tia!!

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What do you mean? A is way worse than C in grayscale. A is too homogenous in tones.

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Flix's ears being part of the star shape worked a lot better in grayscale oops

Flix belongs to


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Merry Christmas~

Manage to cough out a grayscale illustration ^^;


Winter in Seoul is really a whole new level 🥶🥶🥶




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Grayscale practicing

I so difficult

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colored grayscale is fun to draw

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art! (titipan)
Pls ajarin sender gmn cara coloring & milih warna yang cocok buat art! gwehj sudah muak dengan grayscale 😭😫😔☝️ btw klo mw 🐄tualan ayo ajh

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art! Aku bingung milih tone yg mana
Kiri aku pake grayscale kalo kanan coloring biasa :"(

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Art! Sender baru pertama kali coba grayscale udah ngap 🫠🫠, buat kalian artist yg make teknik grayscale, KALIAN LUAR BIASA!!!

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Got a comment before about whether it's necessary to do grayscale lighting before coloring. It's not. I do it just to reduce the interference of color so that I can focus on the shape of the light. It's my favorite step, I would do this in almost all my art except doodles.😋

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