Dance off between Keith and Shiro. Shiro teaches Zumba and Keith is showing off his Kpop moves.
Shiro is also a skilled pole dancer 😏

99 425

He protec, he attac, but most importantly, he a birthday snacc
- Josh Keathon, 2019

Happy Birthday Keith! 🎂💗

376 1143

page three is online on my Patreon:
have a nice weekend everyone <3

62 556

Keith is not the only one looking forward to this 1/3
there is a second naked version for my patrons:

178 898

Shiro got discovered as a model by Iverson and is now the new face for the Galaxy Garrison gym and their instagram. Iverson doesn't know but Shiro eats all these things on the chart... every single day.

369 1422

since learning Shiro's real first name, Keith can't find any sleep in his new bed

144 848

After having Shiro help him with his yoga poses, Keith now knows what Shiro's d*ck feels like on his butt.
Keith has very vivid dreams that night ❤️

267 1242

Keith needs help with some yoga poses, Shiro is happy to assist.

Keith had a good life.

419 1524

Iverson, the owner of the local Garrison Gym asks Shiro to be the substitute for tonight's yoga class because the teacher fell ill.
Shiro, the kind guy he is, of course says yes.

Yoga class has never been this full

528 1776

Keith discovers Shiro's Instagram

450 1789

he doesn't only look good, he's also flexible ❤️

473 1666

Keith isn't the only one affected by their weekly workouts

306 1086

After moving into a new apartment Keith switches gyms. There he sees this Adonis with the sweetest smile who is constantly helping people with exercises and Keith thinks he's a personal trainer but turns out he's just super nice??
Time to hit the gym more often!

1656 3595