Ohabunny! Rachan sama Raka ud Ragisa pack jdi satu, mau Ragisa ajak healing pagi ini. So nanti mungkin stream siangnya Ragisa pindah di malam smua ya~ sekalian kita buat schedule bareng2. Anyway have a nice weekend! LOVE YA! 💜✨️

Credit: https://t.co/i3mpE3u9pY

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Ohabunny! Ragisa pergi ngajar dlu ya, jdi maaf klo rada slow respond smpe nanti siang~💜✨

Jangan lupa, nanti malem ada "Curcol Time With Mommy"... jdi buat kalian yang mau curhat sini: https://t.co/AhPljBbi5n 😘💜

Credit: https://t.co/AGZeeRfD9B

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Ohabunny! ehehhe sums sekedar mengingatkan kalau malam hari ini ada "Special Promote Stream [part 2]" so buat temen2 yang blm isi gformnya, msh Ragisa tunggu smpe nanti jam 15.00 WIB 💜😊

Link: https://t.co/8Y2aKaEw5h

credit: https://t.co/VwzB7EfLtU

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Btw here is the drawing process. Hope you love it

Discord : arethabunny#2618

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I think, Im fall in love with . The art have its own characteristic and unique artstyle. So I decide to make this fanart. Hope you enjoy this😊. Also attach drawing process in next thread
Dc : arethabunny#2618

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Ohabunny minna! How your sleep last night? well, Have a nice day!! 💜😊

Rachan: Niichan, let's go search for loyal sugar daddy for mommy and both of us! 💜
Raka: uhm! uhm! so mommy could have that boing2 booba~

Credit: https://t.co/l9z4T9QK6q

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The Day 11 contest has been posted in our discord! If you would like to win this 1/1 Easter Basket Betty, be a verified member of our discord and head to the channel for more info.

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Day 8 of our contests is up! For your chance to win this 1/1 Easter Bonnet Betty hop into our discord and react to the giveaway! Check out for a new 1/1 Betty posted everyday.

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Hope all our Betty holders have enjoyed the Easter activity book that was airdropped to you this week! I had great fun making it! ❤️🧡💛

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Happy everyone. Check your wallets! We have an egg-citing surprise for you. An Easter Activity book awaits to help your entire family get ready for the https://t.co/tBRchWy5kY

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Ohabunny! Selamat memasuki bulan Ramadhan dan selamat berpuasa bagi yang merayakan. Ragisa smpet kepikiran buat bikin voice alarm buat bangunin kalian sahur... kira2 menurut kalian gmana? Mau?

Well dont worry, ga bakal yabe kok 💜😊

0 30

Ohabunny minna! Uwwaa... makasih yang ud dateng di bday streamnya Wanwan smalem~ anyway jangan lpa sarapan, trus mandi biar wangy wanggyy... Have a nice day! 😊💜

H-2 before debut stream. DAG DIG DHUAR

Credit: https://t.co/lwymTuIT9B

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Ohabunny! Makasih yang sudah datang di premiere debut teaser smalem 😊💜 Gmana kabar kalian? smoga sehat yas~ Have a nice day! Love you all!! 💜💜

Oiya kmungkinan hari ini Ragisa bakal off twitter smpe nanti sore buat ngejar deadline😅

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Ohabunny minna! Semoga tidur kalian nyenyak semalam~ 😊💜Anyway, smangart yah buat yang kerja, sekolah, bahkan yang mageran pun hayok kudu smangart dan tetep produktif yas~

Ragisa ngajar dlu ya, so bakal slow resp sampe nanti jam 2 siang 😅

1 18

Ohabunny minna! I hope that you all sleep well last night~ 😊 Whoa... what's that you eat for breakfast? It looks so yummy! Can I get a little bite? 🤤💜

w-w-wait~ just 1 more people until I got 100RT? 👀

credit: https://t.co/MLyPdKrxFl

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Ohabunny minna! Get ready for my new costume? Wait for it yaass... bakalan Ragisa post malem ini nanti skalian reveal tanggal debutnya~ 💜😊

"Will you wait for me a little bit even it's just for a png?" 😅

Credit: https://t.co/TYWnsB2NQE

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OHABUNNY! I've already take my breakfast get ready to drawing again~ I wish you have a nice weekend!!! RAGISA LOVE YOU AAAALLLLLL! 😍😍😍💜💜💜

Credit: https://t.co/TYWnsB2NQE

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Ohabunny minna! Okay I'm a little bit curious about this one and since a lot of my friends also did this... uhhmm~ so, what am I to you? 😳👉👈

credit: https://t.co/3AtgfBz9LS

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Ohabunny~ lucunya... pagi ini Rachan berusaha bangun pagi2 bener, katanya pengen sesekali sapa (padahal biasanya susah dibangunin klo pagi loh~) 😅💜

credit: https://t.co/XM0xsr5ULi

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O-ohabunny minna! Gmana tdrnya smalem? Ragisa smalem mimpiin kamu~ klo kamu mimpi apa? e-eto... gomen ne klo blakangan Ragisa rada kurang aktif, Ragisa lagi siapin something new buat debut png bulan ini... So, kalian mau nunggu kan? 😊💜

Anyway~ have a nice day!

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