hagumi doodle from aggie

0 2

Kitazawa Hagumi - Grand Adventure!

2 7

Hagumi has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public places 💔

3 3

Today’s bandori ship of the day is Hagukoko! (Hagumi x Kokoro!) the most energetic pair the world has ever seen! nobody will stop them on their quest to make everybody smile 💖
(submitted by anon! ty for the submission!!🥰)

24 75


”Fire and fighting are the flowers of Edo."
Mr. Shinkichi of the Hagumi had a dog with him.

17 70

Kitazawa Hagumi - Cured By a Prince

3 13

congratulations to hagumi for becoming the next precure

82 364

Kitazawa Hagumi - Himari Style

6 15

Imagine if Hagumi was a bassist... that'd be pretty cool!

16 90

Kitazawa Hagumi - Powerful Witch

1 15

Happy new year everyone! Today’s bandori ship is Kokohaguhina! (Kokoro x Hagumi x Hina!) three silly hyperactive gfs! what could go wrong?💖
(submitted by anon! thank you for the submission!)

8 32

Today’s (qp) bandori ship of the day is Haguako! (Hagumi x Ako!) two energetic sillies!! hagumi tries to recite all of the cool things that ako says all the time with varying success..
(submitted by anon! ty for the submission 💖)

19 100

🔥 Full preview of Tae and Hagumi’s trained limited New Years 4★s!

35 197

new rokkako cameo in hagumi untrained card

14 81

Merry chrism (this is a gift for secret santa wooo!!!)

1 6

So basically:

Kaoru and Kanon are graduating and leaving Misaki, Hagumi and Kokoro behind in high school.

28 238

Hagumi and Rimi are currently in a police chase!

5 17