favorite voice roles by Travis Willingham. comment yours below

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Weird but typical flex for you to be doing a touchdown dance of celebration when there are 6 dead, innocent victims...3 of them 9 year-old CHILDREN.

You lost your way a long time ago, Graham.

I just wish John McCain was here to see what you've become.

7 63

🏛️ : Come to see me at my bed Alhaitham. NOW!

109 810

itu buat ubah warna gitu... bisa buat efek shading atau lighting juga nder

contoh before dan after modus perpaduan biar lebih paham. Btw ini modus perpaduan 'gandakan' yg biasanya kupake buat shading. Klo hasilnya terlalu gelap, tinggal diatur opacity-ny👍 semoga mmbantuu💕

0 1

With Bruce & Zatanna, that's a retconned into continuity friendship, pre-Batman, outside of Gotham. Bruce & Selina's stories are so intertwined, & Catwoman's a uniquely versatile character. Forcing Zatanna or Wonder Woman to be Batman's love interest, is as lazy as it gets.🥱 https://t.co/iVdG9PrLiv

2 10

iihflesjeslhte obsessedd..endlessly.. with argos looking like a BIG ham.. my favorite argos shape
and olyzas flower is SO BEAUTIFUL! :) red and blue hehe red and blue!

1 10

I'm delighted to have sold this large watercolour painting today to a lady in (It's one of my personal favourites - I'll miss it, but happy it has a new home).

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She doesn't like to be called a piggy
Even tho she does have a lot of Ham.

7 20

Hi, everyone! Altepuroe is back! 🌱

Saya kembali dengan membuka Paid FS Al-Haitham. Silakan untuk cek ketentuan di bawah ini, jika ada yang kurang jelas boleh DM saya.

Link Trakteer: https://t.co/AQL7TzbNjs

RT/Likes are appreciated.
Thank you!

39 15

Imagine instead they go absolutely wild and use Mr. Freeze, only he's a cosmonaut landing on Earth after decades of being frozen in an experimental liquid nitrogen process and comes out semi-undead, walking through ocean floors and ending up in modern Gotham. I am insane.

3 15

asked for Gotham Jon, so here's a quick doodle! He's adorable uwu

Maybe I should rewatch Gotham...

1 2

Buenas noches, aquí el team de nuestra amada reina Fue increíble ver que su Braixen llegó a evolucionar en un imponente Delphox, manteniendo su hermoso Sylveon y su chiquitín Pancham. Espero ver su team completo un dia, todos son maravillosos ❤️💗🙌🏼🥰

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"How Sir Launcelot fought with a fiendly dragon."

From The Romance of King Arthur (1917). Abridged from Malory's Morte d'Arthur by Alfred W. Pollard.
Illustrated by Arthur Rackham.

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Reposting my portraits of daddies til yato's bday starting with

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Aw yeah. I'm thinking about Long Long Ham. My iconic pal Long Long Ham that loves to tussle through the muddy soil 'round my stream. It's Long Long Ham. He has definitely always been here. Thanks for the beautiful Gartic art of Long Long Ham!

1 16

I just think that Lewis fulham.
This is a wip cause I haven't finished the other two I need to make a full post of it but look at him

3 47

RAF 24 Squadron, SE5a. Pilot William Lambert - 'Attack from out the sun' - art by Bob Cunningham.

6 44

The second of Hammer's four Robin Hood films airs at 7.20pm on this evening. SWORD OF SHERWOOD FOREST (dir. Terence Fisher, 1960) stars Richard Greene in a reprisal of his TV role, with Peter Cushing as the villainous Sheriff of Nottingham.

6 23

• Kuda-kudaan •
/ | attempt at humor

Mendapat ajakan kencan dari Childe merupakan malapetaka. Begitulah pendapat Alhaitham. / "Kita kencan di atas ranjang saja, main kuda-kudaan."


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