Here goes to show that Death does not actually wear his cowl. He does not wear anything - he IS his appearance (which he can change at will, as we saw here: ).
So, no, there is no "naked Death" underneath.

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The cowl has some unexpected effects.

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I can't help myself but giggle at the last picture every time I look at it. I really can't do "epic", and I'm not even sure if it's supposed to be. Getting surprise-wrapped by an ancient cowl is kinda silly, even if you're in pain.

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" The Goddess and her Handmaidens "

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Almost forgot today ...

And suddenly, the confession is not that hard.

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Emotional overload may cause rash actions.
Death was on the receiving end of Pestilence's a long time ago, (➡️
not knowing, it was THIS event that had caused it. Neither realized their timelines had crossed at different points.

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Courting the fascists and wannabe handmaiden-handlers? Sad.

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And the drama begins.
For those who wonder why Li'l D appears in the last picture, please read what this allegory represents. It is Death himself who experiences a little death here.

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Last pictures before we enter the dramatic part ...

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And he thought Time was on his side ...

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And in case you are not familiar with this readhead, we already saw him before. He keeps re-styling, because Time(s) is (are) a-changing... 🎶
He initially appeared here ⬇️, and yes, it is the same setting, too!

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In case you are not familiar with this character, we first met her here:

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Todays' has to be shorter in order to raise the tension.

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See how it's never *his* fault?
Well, I suppose you have to adopt this attitude if your whole purpose is terminating lives.

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" The Goddess and her handmaidens tend to the many planets they guard. Weaving the fates of human and creature alike. "

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