September 16th is Yuli & Smogumbo's birthday! Yuli doesn't know who Smogumbo is and does not like his smell. Happy Birthday you two! 🧛‍♂️🦇💨🎂

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I collected some of my fav 12th Doctor arts in this tumblr post :

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My HBD Peter Capaldi arts 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 I love him so much. He's been a big motivation for me as The Doctor ,Whovian and artist.💙

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Happy Birthday Spidey!! 🥳🎂🎉🎉🎉

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10082019 Happy Birthday Peter Parker! จริงๆอยากวาดสไปดี้ตะเร้กๆ3-4ตัวเพิ่ม แต่ช่วงนี้ไม่ว่างวาดเล้ย ; w ; ถ้าอิงอายุตามMCU น้อนฉิบแปดขวบแล้วฮับ! โตเปงผู้ใหญ่แล้วนะ!

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하찮은 낙쒀지만.. 생일축하는 너무하고싶었어... 생일축하 핕팤 ㅠㅠ🎉🎉

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