In the month of May silver tier patrons received this sketch of a Mobile Suit If you'd like to see the full version of this piece and have a say in what I draw this month then consider joining the Silver tier on Patreon!

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An incomplete I doubt I will ever finish this one.

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Every 6 months you're a patron at the silver tier you get a guaranteed sketch! Last month I found myself drawing a bunch of these sketches, one of which was this If you'd like a sketch every month then, well, y'know...

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Every 6 months you're a patron at the silver tier you get a guaranteed sketch! Last month I found myself drawing a bunch of these sketches, one of which was this If you'd like a sketch every month then, well, y'know...

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as Freehand using HB, coloured and eraser. Levels adjusted digitally.
Reference from

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Tried drawing The original costume is still the best in my opinion.

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