"Should the day ever come that we are not together , you will continue to shine like gold in my memory "

278 970

I love Zhongli and I also love traditional Chinese clothes👀✨

12 41

Inspired by Zhongli's second story quest! Tried my best to fit the quest into one big piece 👍

Time taken : 3 days

5 15


0 3

"Unforgettable time"
Time spent: 30 hours [WIP on thread]


159 526


31 131


0 11

Entry for
Azhdaha started to lost control and attacking human, zhongli is ended fight him and sealed the dragon even though they promised that they will keep protect human together.
Time consumed ± a week

290 1474

"Мы всегда в твоем сердце"

Я очень люблю историю прошлого про союз Джун Ли и Гуй Джун и мне так грустно, что он остался один, неся в памяти воспоминания о друзьях, поэтому хотелось передать свои ощущения в работе ^^`
15 часов работы~

21 134


6 24

야타용왕이 종려에 의해 탄생한 것에서 영감을 받았습니다.

과거 종려와 야타용왕이 함께 다닐적 모습을 반려동물 처럼, 귀엽게 그려보고 싶었습니다.

소요시간 11시간.

1 3

Hi ! Here's my drawing for the Zhongli fan art event !
I wanted to represent his past and present. A past, which may have been dark, but which is now only a drowned memory in front of his unparalleled kindness ♡

It took me about 16 hours

3 22

~~When the fire's burned, the wind has blown, the water's dried; you'll still find stone - My heart of stone~~
Time taken - 40+ hours
Process below!

3 5




2 12

First twitter post ever, I drew Zhongli!!

I spent about 8 hours on this, I wanted to draw archon Zhongli with a "celestial" atmosphere, while highlighting how despite his power and strength (as shown by the glowing light), he is inevitably eroding.

13 39


9 61

Immovable rock. Unshakeable heart. Accounts of war... tales of anguish... stories of hope. You who are not bound to this world, would you take it upon yourself to be an envoy of his memories?

Time spent: 4 days
inspiration and wip in thread

8 21

"Personally sealing away an old friend... this is just one form of erosion I have endured"

Chibi Fanart Submission for
Inspired by Azhdaha's & Zhongli's Backstory, the beginning and the sealing
Time : +15 hrs

Art Progress on thread

33 75