Landscape study of a location I wrote yesterday, the art won't be in the book
I'm not good at drawing environments, help 🤣

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Watching all the announcements is tripping me up like "Am I going to have to change the name of that thing? Will people think I stole that idea?" when I literally have been neck-deep in for months.
My tieflings always had variable size, I swear xd

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Absolutely in love with this half-orc lady I drew for Chapter 4 of Don't worry, she'll be fine... probably.

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The first 5 pages of chapter 4 are now written and laid out with mostly placeholder art. They contain 18 travel encounters that I'm pretty proud of. The next thing on the agenda is a settlement, then a dungeon.

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Today I've gone through what I have of the campaign and it's really shaping up to be a good-looking book, imo. Font changes, updating the index at the end, making sure the headers and footnotes all line up, etc. I've hit 103 pages.

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