Screaming Ghost / Hibria
(from album [The Skull Collectors])

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Publico de nuevo el coloreo que hice hace un tiempo como regalito para el cerdito. 💖🐗🎊🎂

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Hibria"Defying THE RULES~10th Anniversary"
Stare At Yourself

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Hibria"The Skull Collectors"
Devoted To Your Fear

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いい曲しかつぶやかないから要チェックやでー The Saga Will Begin - Hibria - DEFYING THE RULES~10th Anniversary

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Millenium Quest - Hibria - Defying THE RULES~10th Anniversary

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Living Under Ice - Hibria - Defying THE RULES~10th Anniversary

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The Skull Collectors - Hibria - The Skull Collectors

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Defying The Rules - Hibria - Defying The Rules [Bonus Tracks]

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Steel Lord On Wheels - Hibria - Defying The Rules [Bonus Tracks]

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ブラジルが誇る王道ヘヴィ・メタル HIBRIA、2月に現メンバーでは最後の制作となるニュー・アルバム『Moving Ground』をリリース決定!

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