It's Benji's birthday today! I finally decided to draw a polished picture of his husband, Stanley.

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Kenji acted a little strange when he started teaching class today. He said it's because the coffee machine broke. ...Does he seem a little taller than usual?

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Kenji may or may not grow out his facial hair at some point during Hinimato. Toni's kind of adverse to facial hair, so he's obviously not a fan. What about you?

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Kenji was assigned Night of Nights / Flowering Nights via TH thread and so this just kind of happened.

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I wanted to refine the way I draw faces a bit, and this Higgy I sketched ended up turning out perfect! My style probably doesn't look much different though LOL

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Tsuki's birthday was on the 11th! Here's how her TV appearances look to fans.

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I got the urge to draw Tsuki wearing a furisode. I'd rather not draw any more peonies for a while ^^;

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Mai's birthday was yesterday! The least she could get was a bandage for her scrapes.

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Kenji's birthday was on the 4th, so here's Nicky giving him a gift. Can you guess who the other gifts are from?

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I haven't drawn a picture of Tsuki singing in a long time and wanted to rectify that.

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One time, one meeting, one Frespo. (And Maxy)

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Now in color this time! With a friend like Toni, it's no wonder Tsuki feels the need to protect him.

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While Higgy and Maxy are having petty squabbles, Tsuki is basically running her own record company.

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This is a watch ad, but you probably wouldn't be able to tell since the focus is more on Higgy and Mai than the watches.

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Nicky welcomes you into the New Year with a song! Also it's his birthday!

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Nicky used to play the guitar for his old band. Here’s a picture from then!

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Who decided it would be a good idea to put Maxy "Living Hazard" Konno and Emil "Nearly Set Himself On Fire" Galhardo-Alverez in the same room? They both wear too many hair products for this to turn out well...

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Maxy and his many feelings! His hair does that Studio Ghibli thing when he gets really mad.

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Two more Jay pictures! This time, featuring Toni, Higgy, and Higgy's rare, genuine smile.

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I remembered how much I like Jay's design and overall character. This also technically counts as worldbuilding since he's... kind of a big deal.

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