Introducing the newest way to keep things cool: Captain Hyperboreal Yeti thermoses!

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Alfred Algolov, Krampusjäger General of HOPE (Hyperborean Office of Paranormal Encounters), is seen conversing here with fellow officer Elsa Rincones. Crucial field reports, or gossip on the latest drama serials, who’s to say!?!? (it’s always field reports.)

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This is another Jeff Easiley classic piece of artwork that I've used with an on going Hyperborea rpg campaign.

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Hyperborean villagers watch over the burning of a hostile demon to ensure its corpse can’t be reanimated. The smoke wards off any other nasty critters nearby as an added bonus.

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A new dark fantasy comic from Gordon Brewer
Set in the land of Hyperborea with Lovecraftian Gods, Azathoth Fragments: Chapter 1 is waiting for you.

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An adventure in the land of Hyperborea with Lovecraftian Gods, Azathoth Fragments: Chapter 1 is waiting for you.

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The once-vast continent of Meropis broke up into what are Faerieland and The Lands of Romance in the modern day.

As stated here, the fleeing Meropes settled in Hyperborea and ended up intermarrying and producing the giant blond Hyperboreans of Greek legend.

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The official religion of Hyperborea is worship of Boreas (Greek god of the north wind, said to be the father of Hyperborea). But there's a growing cult worshiping the Lovecraft mythos being Tsathoggua (who was one of the gods of Hyperborea in the works of Clark Ashton Smith).

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Ancient Hyperborea is infested with miniature cousins of the Atlantean Peryton (a 20th C. bit of fakelore of a bird/stag hybrid from Atlantis). I figured that since this version of Hyperborea was roughly contemporary with Atlantis, it made sense to have it as an invasive species.

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A new dark fantasy comic from Gordon Brewer. Set in the land of Hyperborea with Lovecraftian Gods, Azathoth Fragments: Chapter 1 is waiting for you.

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A new dark fantasy comic from Gordon Brewer. Set in the land of Hyperborea with Lovecraftian Gods, Azathoth Fragments: Chapter 1 is waiting for you.

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A new dark fantasy comic from Gordon Brewer
Set in the land of Hyperborea with Lovecraftian Gods, Azathoth Fragments: Chapter 1 is waiting for you.

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A new dark fantasy comic from Gordon Brewer
Set in the land of Hyperborea with Lovecraftian Gods, Azathoth Fragments: Chapter 1 is waiting for you.

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A new dark fantasy comic from Gordon Brewer. Set in the land of Hyperborea with Lovecraftian Gods, Azathoth Fragments: Chapter 1 is waiting for you.

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A new dark fantasy comic from Gordon Brewer
Set in the land of Hyperborea with Lovecraftian Gods, Azathoth Fragments: Chapter 1 is waiting for you.

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A new dark fantasy comic from Gordon Brewer

Set in the land of Hyperborea with Lovecraftian Gods, Azathoth Fragments: Chapter 1 is waiting for you.

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