Guess what?? Yup, Hyungkyun selca~!!!(人*´∀`)。*゚+✨✨
*poor us😭

Anyway, this is my first draw in 2022, i know this is too late but, Happy new year everyone!!🥺💚💜

10 18

We did it! We made it to the end, let me know what you thought~ ❤️✨
(This is only the end of this comic, I will continue drawing this AU)

39 91

It’s officially January! Here’s one of the Hyungkyun cards I’m making for the merch packs 😊

4 16

The pond and the plan!
How do you think it’ll go?

32 78

hyung , I hate the scent
of blood on you
that's not mine .

48 92

Pg. 4 No fae were harmed in the making of this comic 🧚🏼‍♂️✨

24 74

umm.. excuse me?💚💜

- I keep missing them (。•́︿•̀。)

5 20

"You did well, Kyunie" 😊💜 - A proud Hyung🐢

22 73