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@MsArielKnox damn … anyone else want a Impeach peach 🍑 drink with a cheeseburger 🍔 on a plate no ketchup on walls. And let’s remember she knew they all knew and watched people die #CassidyHutchinsontestimony #January6thHearings
Justice Thomas wrote: “We should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.” What about the decision in Loving upholding interracial marriages? Impeach this jerk and add 4 more justices - whatever it takes.
“I was once a whole person…” -Beth Huber. Today we had out rights taken from us, it’s like we’re no longer fully human #DOSOMETHING #RoeVsWade #fuckthesupremecourt #SupremeCourt #RoeVWade #Art #illustration #Impeach #rights #procreate #ProChoice
Everyone, I dislike the judges as much as the rest of you, but I see this image a long with "impeach them for lying under oath"
Take a minute and ask yourself how you would prove someone's lying about future actions
Not DID they lie. But PROVING they lied about future actions..
@GeneralPutnam2 @leslieam8 @SanteenaR @taradublinrocks @56blackcat @PattyArquette @RoArquette @B52Malmet @DearAuntCrabby @PDXEleven @BetteMidler It's #MyBodyMyBusiness.
Time to put the final 💅 in the @GOP coffin.
They lied under oath about
Impeach James and the Giant Peach https://t.co/w9JWqOpaT4 #ShawNshawN #gallery #painting #artists #art
If you want me to care about a heterosexual ship, the characters have to be madly, deeply, and impossibly in love with each other. A bond that is simply unimpeachable and brings them together in ways they don't even account for.
Contrariando a OMS, mais uma vez. Quem puder, me segue. Charges diariamente #charge #cartoon #cartunista #chargista #ForaBolsonaro #impeachmentja #adnaelcharges #carnaval #omicron #covid #pandemia
Cartoon for @NationAfrica the semantics of #impeachment #Uhuru #Ruto
Muitos interesses econômicos envolvidos de todas as partes nessa guerra. A conta sempre vem para os inocentes. #charge #cartoon #cartunista #chargista #ForaBolsonaro #impeachmentja #adnaelcharges #russia #guerra #ucrania
A guerra aqui é outra, e faz tempo. #charge #cartoon #cartunista #chargista #ForaBolsonaro #impeachmentja #adnaelcharges #russia #guerra #inflacao
Sobre suposta separação de Temer, onde Marcela teria deixado uma carta. #charge #cartoon #cartunista #chargista #impeachmentja #adnaelcharges #temer
Mais um conflito para ceifar a vida dos inocentes. #charge #cartoon #cartunista #chargista #ForaBolsonaro #impeachmentja #adnaelcharges #russia #guerra
Nosso exército tem estoque para várias "guerras". #charge #cartoon #cartunista #chargista #ForaBolsonaro #impeachmentja #adnaelcharges #russia
Foi pra Rússia só falar bobagem mesmo, aí o Brasil quem arca com as consequências. #charge #cartoon #cartunista #chargista #ForaBolsonaro #impeachmentja #adnaelcharges #russia
Before this song drops I’d just like to make it abundantly clear that Biden deserves impeachment as well, but this song was written when it was Trump’s turn to fuck up the world. Whenever you hear the bar, substitute “Trump” for any current scumbag in office. #impeachbiden
Por mais absurdas que sejam as mentiras, boa parte dos fanáticos continua acreditando e replicando. #charge #cartoon #cartunista #chargista #ForaBolsonaro #impeachmentja #adnaelcharges
Charge antiga. Infelizmente, muito atual. #charge #cartoon #cartunista #chargista #ForaBolsonaro #impeachmentja #adnaelcharges #agrotoxicos