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Cosmopolitans, Slaves, and the Global Market in Voltaire's /Candide, ou l'optimisme/
by Ingvild Hagen Kjørholt
ECF 25.1 (2012)

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Since there is no clear direction our campaign will be going next session, I've just been fleshing out factions. This time by drawing a few of their monarchs.

Queen Ingvild of Harajavik
King Orlocke of Arberon
King Halgrorlum of Caar Zhomund
Queen Gaea of Olcorag

2 3

I was commissioned to make two illustrations for what calls "the deep-diving student".

Ingvild says, The teacher as counselor and facilitator for each student to explore their own knowledge and skills.

1 5

Asia e Ingvild 😊❤
Arte de: 🙂

12 85

Alguien se acuerda del Estado de Akeno en modo "Ángel Caido Supremo".

Lo mencionaron una vez. Pero... quiero verla en su esplendor cuando el equipo de Rias e Iseei se enfrenten.

Una Akeno modo "Ángel Caído supremo" contra una "Ingvild con su Longinus y su estado de Maou"

23 140

You can find a topless version on my deviantart (≧◡≦)

0 27

The Fires of his Heart by IngvildSchangeArt

2 5