Animated film, releases new posters as film will be premiering 25 Jan 2020 (from the team behind Story tells of Jiang Ziya, based on the tale of a genius strategist from "The Investiture of the Gods," the same novel that inspired Ne Zha.

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Investiture of the Gods


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Fin de Hôshin - L'Investiture des Dieux Gaiden et retour du manga Les Héros de la Galaxie

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Une lycéenne à la force herculéenne se retrouve plongée dans le monde fantastique de L'Investiture des Dieux, roman de littérature classique préféré de sa mère: Legendary Love

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La pré-publication des nouveaux chapitres de Hôshin - L'Investiture des Dieux débutera en avril

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フランス新大統領 エマニュエル・マクロンが選んだ、DS 7 CROSSBACKのディテールに注目です。#Investiture🇫🇷

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G. B.Tiepolo, 1696 -1770, Italian painter, Frescoes in the Würzburg Residenz (1751-53), The Investiture of Herold as Duke of Franconia

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the first investiture of The Star Of at 8 most loyal of Indian

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