Nowruz Mobarak!
I'm Mel, and I like to draw! I'm a versatile artist who loves to do character art, merch, and graphic design. I recently started streaming on twitch so you can come on by and hang out!

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سلام بچه ها! سال نو مبارک!
(waddup kids) I'm yaz and I make cute art! Mubarak ya'll

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Hello I'm a Persian artist who likes making colorful and cute art!

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Watercolor by Iranianartist Javid Tabatabaei.

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Watercolor by Iranianartist Javid Tabatabaei.

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Hi everyone.
I'm an
Please check out my store, and share it with people whom you think might like it.

You can order here and check out more

Wish all a beautiful day. 🌟💛

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Mohsen Ahmadvand (Iranian, born 1982)

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| Untitled | “defaced identity” Series | Eilya
Tahamtani | 40x30cm | Pen & Pencil on Paper | 2016 |#daily

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| Untitled | “require for thought” Series | Eilya
Tahamtani | 40x30cm | Pen & Pencil on Paper | 2016 |#daily

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