Jackdaws mobbing a buzzard over the flanks of Whernside (looking across to )

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I have spent most of the day in my studio today but have nothing complete enough to share so here is one from a little while ago again across hells mouth with fulmar, cormorants, jackdaws and gulls. Birds in their homes! It is one of my favourite birdscapes as you know I thi…

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A quiet day for birds on the Newcastle moors, though Jackdaws and young Starlings learning their trade catching grubs and flies amongst the cows and cow pats are always a good watch, watercolour sketch. Have a good night all 👍

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Jackdaws mobbing a buzzard over the flanks of Whernside, with a view to Ingleborough.

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✄藍古 咲音
THE JACKDAWSの作曲担当ベーシスト。こう見えて男子です。一人称は僕/わたし。

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The nursery rhyme "One for Sorrow" was originally about magpies, but there are many variations about crows, jackdaws, & other birds. According to superstition, the number of birds you see determines what kind of luck you'll have.

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6/ Jon is an artist, most of his work is of Corvids (crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws etc) and I'm sure you'll agree, they're highly detailed.

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it's Bruegel time out there - 15th century light, Ridley Scott battle snow, arcing squalls - a tangle of gulls and jackdaws, heading east

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Badger found a clattering of jackdaws in an old twisted tree today, he stayed to watch the mischievous birds for a while. He loved the colours that shimmered on their dark feathers.

Happy February 6th

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Titanic Portraits complete!! This feels like a huge accomplishment. I'm really, really happy that I was able to get to the point where I could paint these characters.

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Bonfire dust of a devils death
Threads me
Through a trillion
Bone lunation slumbers
Of a splendour
Preloading breath
Burning thunder in my heart
To sing
Amber spun
In sapphire rings
Where the Jackdaws kiss
The deep end of the blue
To fly with me
On broken wings

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7. Since Hilja met Niall and his jackdaws, she kind of grew fond of those animals! Especially Shelby has a special place in her heart! 🐥

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There'll be more dog stuff later on - for now Jackdawshade

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The 1388 - Monedula Ring! This ring is for the birds! Put this on and all the ravens and jackdaws will be at your peck and caw!

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🌩️🌙🌧️If Jackdaws are late in coming home to roost at dusk it's a sign of storms to come - if they spend all their time fluttering and cawing around buildings, they are foretelling rain.

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