Eeeyyy habt ihr Bock zu sehen wie wir versuchen Geister zu jagen? Kommt heute 19 Uhr gerne vorbei!

Art by

3 5

Drew a quick doodle of Jagen while waiting for a friend to reply for his commission

15 74

Habt ihr gewusst das man mich mit Karotten jagen kann? Die gehen nur gekocht, oder in Rüblikuchen. Artwork von . Danke dir :3 (n.n)

1 11

i wonder what Sharena’s criteria is for when and when not to draw noses 💀 Jagen…

0 5

So for this baby banner I'm thinking... Ike/Mist duo, Soren, Mia, Elincia, Sanaki maybe?

Or if they're cool they do Titania the age she was in this Cipher art. But so far all the baby banners have featured exclusively babies.

I still think young Jagen shoulda been on the first.

0 14

Artworks I did recenty are for these madlads


Enjoy these peices I'm very honored to have all of you coming with me on my journey becoming a pro.

2 5

Ich bin gerade dabei meine Emotes durch das Tool zu jagen... ich bin nicht mal bei der hälfte und habe schon FUCKING NEUN Streamer die meine Emotes geklaut und/oder getraced haben.


der Link zum tool ->

13 119

Gray: A Lightning Sword so he can become the true Jagen of Echoes

0 3

achtbeinigen Pferden, die sich aus Antimaterie formen, jagen seit jeher den Ewigen Stern und hätten ihn beinahe erreicht
- Starkeeper (es): 'fliegen Motten in das Licht', gab Sehkraft auf um den Ewigen Stern zu behüten, verteilt sein Licht im Tal

0 7

Today's FE World Character Spotlight: Jagen (Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem)

2 12

3 Hecksticker werden dich jagen, der eine verteidigt dich, wähle klug

6 155

I'm convinced that a good majority of the FE fandom who unironically say "Kris bad" have never actually played FE12 and just parrot the words of higher profiled members of the community.

Especially the claim that Kris steals Jagen's lines. Oh that's a sweet one.

2 17

Dengan segenap hati, jiwa, dan raga
Untukmu, sang kelelawar pun ikut bernyanyi

21 61

Titania’s design is the best design in the Fire Emblem Series. No this is not open for debate. Axe Paladin Mom is best Jagen

455 1424

So here's the finalized roster of characters I am Adding to CS in my rewrite. I chose one per house and chose lesser used characters in the story proper. They also all fit classes that are not in CS currently (Save for Jeralt but he's the Jagen)

0 9

jagens sorted by how well they handle their drinks

20 156

Imagine being a Jagen with no growths who can be deployed on any map in the game and still be able to contribute

Dagdar supremacy

64 387

Today's FE World Character Spotlight: Jagen (Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem)

This Week's FE World Featured Song: Expedition (Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem)

2 30

Challenge 14.06.2021 "Down Under":

Australien - das ist doch da, wo die Welt auf dem Kopf steht, oder?
Da, wo Surfer die perfekte Welle jagen, Turtle am Great Barrier Reef tauchen oder manchmal die armen Koalas vor den Flammen flüchten…

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