Jaghatai Khan (AKA The Great Khan, the Warhawk

-Primarch of The White Scars Space Marines (5th Legion of the Legiones Astartes)

- Has a need for speed, a hankering for haste, a propensity for velocity...

- He likes to go fast.

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Horus Heresy Black Book character portraits by Rachel Pierce.

I'm a big fan of the character portraits and these latest - Sanguinius, Jaghatai Khan and his Head Khan (can't recall his name) are wonderful!

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Jaghatai Khan: Warhawk of Chogoris by , cover artwork by Mikhail Savier

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Jaghatai Khan: Warhawk of Chogoris by Chris Wraight

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May Request 15:
Jaghatai Khan dueling Mortarion


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